Saturday, December 8, 2007

Rhys and Jack are here!

We did it!


Jack Justin Tallman was born @ 12:26 am
He weighed 6 pounds 7.5 ounces

his little brother followed 5 minutes later

Rhys John Tallman was born @ 12:31 am
He weighed 5 pounds 2 ounces

The middle names are after Justin Tallman (Ryan's Paternal Grandfather) and John Pacholka(Melissa's Maternal Grandfather)

Both are healthy and were able to come directly into the room with mom. The delivery was so smooth, They were delivered within four contractions, and only ten minutes of actual pushing.

As you can imagine we are beyond tired and I will edit this entry later, I can't seem to keep my eyes open.

Updated 12/16/2007-

So who wants more detail? If you're not one for birth stories skip this last bit...

Ryan and I arrived at the hospital at 7pm on Friday. The day before we were 3cm and 75% effaced, so we knew it was close. Our doctor informed us that she would be on call Friday night, so we made a mental note of it and thought, "that would be great timing". Thursday night I had some major cramping, at about 1am I took a hot shower hoping to distract from the pain. It worked and I was able to go back to bed, hoping to make it until the evening. Throughout the day I was having contractions but didn't want to make the call until I knew it was time. When we arrived at the hospital at 7pm I wasn't in any great pain, but things were happening. When I was checked I was 5cm and 80% effaced. The doctor asked if I was ready to have babies tonight, and we were as ready as we would ever be. Because of all the complications that can accure with a vaginal twin birth I had agreed to an epidural, just in case an emergency C-Section was needed. At 8pm the anesthesiologist arrived and started by informing me of how it works and what to expect. I was more worried about the epi, then I was birthing twins, don't ask me why. They were done by 9:30pm and Patocine sp?(a drug used to speed up contractions) was started at 10pm. At 11:45 I was 10cm and by Midnight I was wheeled into the O.R. (another precaution, due to the risk of C-Section). They took a few minutes setting us up and when my doctor said "K we are ready, on your next contraction push and Baby A will be here" I really thought she was just trying to be a positive cheerleader,but sure enough, one push, Jack was born at 12:26am. During the next contraction, she broke Baby B's water. The next contraction, Rhys was born at 12:31am. One more and both Placentas were out. Or so I'm told, I was so in awe at the site in front of me. I was later told "that was the most boring twin births the docs had ever attended", there were twenty some odd docs and nurses in the room waiting and ready for anything that could happen. This is one time boring is good.

1 comment:

  1. oh they are PRECIOUS. and you looked beautiful. i mean really, i looked a hot mess after having my girls. thanks SO much for sharing this with me!! xxo
