Monday, December 31, 2007

Boy oh Boy are they growing!

This is great news, after the first four days of life they had lost over 12% of their birth weight, which for Rhys that put him at 4 lbs 6oz. We had fears that the doctors would choose to keep him there in the hospital. They just put the boys under close watch. It put all of us at home on high alert and concern. We became diligent on waking Rhys up and feeding him every two hours, often needing to use a syringe do to his lack of interest in eating. It was very scary to see him so lethargic with so little energy that he couldn't even suck on a bottle. All the work has paid off. From our Doctors appointment on Dec 21st to their appointment on Dec 27th they had gained a lot! In one week Jack had gained 1 pound and Rhys had gained 10 oz. As of the 27th Rhys weighs 5lbs 10oz, and Jack weighed in at 7lbs 1oz. Rhys had taken notes from his older brother and is now latching on and getting food right from the source.

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