Monday, March 31, 2008

Scary night at the hospital - March 10-11

On Monday, March 10th Rhys had gone blue twice, so we rushed him to the doctors office. It was our third trip to the Doctors office in a week. After discovering that Rhys' Oxygen levels were too low he was rushed to OHSU via Ambulance.

Rhys was so small on that big gurney.

Vickie giving here loving touch.

Jack giving his brotherly support.

Rhys smiles even with an Oxygen Mask.

We spent one night in the hospital. They kept a close eye on Rhys' oxygen levels and determined he was through the worst of it and could manage it on his own. We stayed most of the day on Tuesday just to make sure but he needed no further assistance so we went home that afternoon. One of the bummers about twins is we knew that Jack was next to get it, it was inevitable. But fortunately Jack was able to power through it all on his own. Thank goodness.
Jack miserable with a cold. Look at those pleading eyes.